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Personal Gallery Rental - 2022
Personal Gallery rental is a member privilege allowing our member artists to create a personal exhibition. During the winter break, between mid-December and mid-January our personal galleries were redesigned to completely occupy the front of the upstairs area.
The Personal Gallery rental rates are:
Gallery 1, Upstairs Front Right, 320 square feet of wall space, $125/month
Gallery 2, Upstairs Inside Right, 234 square feet of wall space, $100/month
Gallery 3, Upstairs Inside Left, 108 square feet of wall space, $75/month
Gallery 4, Upstairs Front Left, 216 square feet of wall space, $100/month
Prior to making your rental payment, you will be prompted to agree to our terms and conditions. For your reference here are several important refenence documents:
An copy of the Conditions of Personal Gallery Rental
A copy of a blank Personal Gallery Inventory Form
A Drawing of new Upstairs Gallery Reconfiguration
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